Ring Sizing

To be certain of your ring size it is recommended to get measured in a jewellers or to purchase the ring sizer tool below. 

Alternatively to find your ring size at home, you can use a piece of string or a strip of paper.

  1.  Wrap the string or strip of paper around the base of the finger you want to measure. Ensure it fits snugly around the finger where the ring will sit, while still being able to go over the knuckle as your ring would.

  2. Mark the point where it overlaps, and then measure the length in millimeters.

  3. Using the ring size chart below match the measurement to the corresponding circumference ring size.

Ensure that you measure the specific finger you plan to wear the ring on, as sizes can vary from one finger to another. Temperature also effects the size of your finger so consider this when measuring. Hands will be smaller when colder and bigger when warmer. It is best to measure at the end of the day. 

Measure an existing ring to find your ring size

Measure the ring's circumference or diameter. Using the ring size chart, find the corresponding size.